Ever gone to a sales pitch, pitched a good pitch and then realized a week later that you didn’t do as well as you thought? I’ve been there as well. The key behind ever sales pitch it to set clear expectations on both sides. When I have done this it’s been better on both sides for expectations.  They know where I sit and I have a much better idea if they will close.

Something that I’ve been working on is being 100% upfront with everyone about what you’re doing. Your potential client or customer should know everything that you do. Don’t hold anything back. Show and tell them everything. Literally, give them the farm. People are far to lazy to rip you off or do what you’re doing….that’s why they are coming to you. You are the expert and they want your advice and knowledge.

Here is what I told Inc Magazine in January 2015:

Be Upfront

You have to be 100 percent upfront about your product or service. Be bold about what you will do and what you will not do. Explain, and try to get the customer to recap everything so that you know they get it. This has helped us have what we do and don’t do engrained in their mind. Next, go above that and start paying attention to what people want, and do it.

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John Rampton How to Set Better Expectations During Your Sales Pitch